Our church is VERY active in evangelism specifically to Thai people both in our local area and nationwide.
YOU can help us financially to reach out all over Thailand by supporting our Evangelism project!
Give by clicking HERE and selecting “My Donation is for” and select the EVANGELISM project.
Here are some of the activities we do throughout the year that we need funding for:
- Local outreach to communities and schools each week that most of our church takes part in including teaching English, games and the bible to children and families and praying for them to be healed and to receive the Holy Ghost.
- Revivals and special services such as our Back to School and Christmas Revival in Chiang Mai that involves inviting a special speaker, renting outdoor tents, tables, chairs and great Thai food for over 150 people at a time.
- Official UPCI Unreached People Group events such as the Hmong people we hosted
- Traveling all over the country for national Thai conferences, home meetings and services
- Starting new works/preaching points/churches as well as training
- Training new Thai translators so they can help with the work nationwide