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Orientation is done! We head to Texas tomorrow!

We finished our orientation at UPCI HQ in St Louis on July 1st and 2nd before flying to Oklahoma City for about 2 weeks and now we are about to head to Texas tomorrow on July 13th to officially begin deputation! We are thankful for pastor Borders and pastor Sharp for inviting us to minister in their churches while we were here. We had a wonderful time and will be forever grateful! A big extra thanks to pastor Borders for allowing us to stay in his ministers quarters the entire time!

Attending lunch with members of the Global Missions board and other ministers during orientation in St Louis.
Standing with the Hunleys and the Shalms in St Louis.
Jerry speaking about Thailand before introducing T at Calvary Life Center.
Preaching at pastor Sharp’s church in Oklahoma, Calvary Christian Center.
7 people received the Holy Ghost after T preached during the altar service!
Speaking at pastor Borders church, Apostolic Worship Center in Norman, OK.
We met the Perry’s in OK, missionaries to Botswana. These are the people who’s deputation schedule we got! It was God that brought us together here!